'Whatever I'm called to bring out of the ether into existence, is what I make. I'm here to explore the breadth of creative power within music.
I'm here to play.'
- Mr Kit 2021
'Whatever I'm called to bring out of the ether into existence, is what I make. I'm here to explore the breadth of creative power within music.
I'm here to play.'
- Mr Kit 2021
'Whatever I'm called to bring out of the ether into existence, is what I make. I'm here to explore the breadth of creative power within music.
I'm here to play.'
- Mr Kit 2021

Composer & Musician
Over 10 years worth of field recordings and 4 years in the making, Mr Kit has built a sonic landscape rich in evocative sounds and music. From jazz fusion flavours and new age synth explorations, to Yoruban bata drums and swarsangum solos, the album doesn’t shy away from surprising its audience throughout the gorgeously detailed 55-minute journey.

Swarsangum Collected (2021)
A volume of Swarsangum improvisations. Full of minimalist moments, serene contemplation and restful playing.
I don't think that i ever, in fact, returned home (2021)
An audio documentary by artist Joel Chima, scored by Mr Kit.
An honest and heartbreaking family interview is blended with archival material exploring the South Asian immigrant experience.
Live (2019)
The first single to showcase the Swarsangum as a lead instrument. It is an Indian hybrid instrument comprised of a Tanpura and Swarmandal. It's used traditionally to accompany vocalists. Mr Kit plays it in a contemporary style.
Two gentle and serene improvisations evoke the stringed elegance and grace of the harp, sitar and koto.
Issa (2015)
Issa is a concept album released on Important records. It charts the lost years of Jesus Christ, where he traveled the silk road spending time with Hindu and Buddhist masters. An experimental modern classical journey of wondrous beauty.
"...richly orchestrated, like seeds that fall on good soil and yield thirty, sixty, even a hundred times more than what was planted." ~ A Closer Listen
Leaps (2013)
An E.P of textural pop ambient made from vinyl and cassette samples. It sounds like it's cover. Blue and warm. Distant and soft.
Trẻ em (ASIP, 2012)
Inspired by time spent traveling to, and through Vietnam, “Trẻ em” captures a journey of introspection and contemplation; of excitement, contentment and considered observation.