'Whatever I'm called to bring out of the ether into existence, is what I make. I'm here to explore the breadth of creative power within music.
I'm here to play.'
- Mr Kit 2021
'Whatever I'm called to bring out of the ether into existence, is what I make. I'm here to explore the breadth of creative power within music.
I'm here to play.'
- Mr Kit 2021
'Whatever I'm called to bring out of the ether into existence, is what I make. I'm here to explore the breadth of creative power within music.
I'm here to play.'
- Mr Kit 2021

Composer & Musician
Temporary Utopias
Out Now!
Temporary Utopias
by Mr Kit
(previous releases on Important Records & ASIP)
RIYL: John Wizards, DJ Python, Michael Stearns, Makaya McCraven
Over 10 years worth of field recordings and 4 years in the making, Mr Kit has built a sonic landscape rich in evocative sounds and music. From jazz fusion flavours and new age synth explorations, to Yoruban Bata drums and swarsangum solos, the album doesn’t shy away from surprising its audience throughout the gorgeously detailed 55-minute journey.
1 Tip likes the Sky
2 Bisparkular
3 Tualinpintiontuationture
4 Boat life
5 Daji
6 The Magic Hand
7 Mango Rock
8 A Prelude to Mutiny
9 Monkey see Monkey do
10 The Stars are the Sun's Biscuits
Album Introduction:
The elation of a family reunion in America. A pounding throng of a dense South East Asian market. Slow waves kissing sandaled feet as they steep in damp sand. These are but a few of the moving memories found on this record. They are moments stretched out into infinity, suspended in curiosity. They are places to dream to, to laugh with, to soften with and to live with in moments of need.
They are Temporary Utopias.
Using 10 years of collected field recordings, multiple recording sessions in different countries, rare and unusual instruments from around the world and track titles bestowed by children, Mr Kit built a world of moving memories to live in.
From the jazz fusion eruptions of ‘Bisparkular’, the synthesised South East Asian scales in ‘Tualinpintiontuationture,’ the laid back instrumental hip-hop improvisations of ‘Boat Life’, to the new age ecstatic drones of ‘Mango Rock’, the album is bursting with love for many musical styles. Mr Kit highlights lesser known instruments throughout the record especially in ‘A Prelude to Mutiny’ where a wall of Yoruban Bata drums and staccato Indian Swarsangum exuberantly dance through a dense jungle. Through the many worlds explored come the many styles expressed, all with a love and respect that permeates from his deeply mixed racial heritage.
Temporary Utopias is best heard in full, without distraction. So cosy up with your favourite headphones and turn up your stereo and get lost in a world of beautiful surprises.
All tracks recorded, produced and mixed by Mr Kit.
Except the drums on ‘Bisparkular’ which were recorded at Eighth Note Studios, Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 2018.
Saxophone on ‘Bisparkular’ & ‘Boat Life’ by Benji Forster
Guitar on ‘Boat Life’ by Jethro Cooke
Bata Drums on ‘A Prelude to Mutiny’ & ‘Monkey See Monkey Do’ by Dan Johnson
Choral performance on ‘Daji’ by LCC class of 2013
Hymn recitation on ‘Daji’ recorded in Ha Noi cathedral 2018
All other instruments played by Mr Kit
Other instruments featured on the album: Swarsangum, trumpet, ocarinas, hulusi, drums,
piano, keys, percussion, vocals.
Synthesisers featured: Korg Minilogue, Casio SA-78, Buchla Easel (soft), Juno 6 (soft), Yamaha CS-80 (soft)